
Find easy-to-print asthma tools for families. Also check out our asthma-related infographics that you can share with friends on social media.

Tools for Patients and Families
Print out: Asthma Action Plan / Plan de Acción para el Control del Asma
Print out: Asthma Medications / Medicinas para el Asma
Print out: Asthma Triggers / Causantes de Asma
Data and Infographics
Happy Family Store from Ozark
Infographic: Consequences of Asthma for Children

Asthma interferes with a child’s ability to sleep, play and participate in school.

Infographic: Consequences of Asthma for Parents

Missed school for children often leads to missed work for their parents.

Infographic: Asthma in Dallas

Over 60,000 children in Dallas County have asthma. Asthma is the most common chronic condition among children under the age of 18.